NH2 Achievements

In 3\4 MJE we are making picture story books. On Friday we are going to present to the preps. We think it will be a bit embarrassing.
But we have to do it. We wrote it first and then we made a hard cover. On the last hour we are going to read to them.
By Via & Florence

Gross Git-Book 2
A story about a man that does lots of silly thing. Download our story to read what happens.

maxim and hugos book crose git book 1 -

By Maxim & Hugo
Beach & Holidays

Beach and holidays -

On The Run
On the run is a great book for ages 7 and up. It is about two animals that will hijack  anything they can. So you should  read it today

on the run -

The Circus
As you probably know, the 34,s are going to camp in a few weeks. At camp there is something called Mount Evelyn’s got Talent. My group is doing a circus. The people in it are George, Theo, Digory, Hugo, Harry, Josh and I (Nick).I cannot tell you any more except this: it is going to be hectic! We have been practising in the gym at recess and sometimes at lunch. If you are going to camp with group one than look out it is going to be. By Nick & Hugo K

Fashion Design Project:
During 2011, 3/4 NH2 have been doing something called a Negotiated Project. Ava.A, Sascha.J-A and me, Caitlin our negotiated project is on Fashion Designing. 
This is Ava’s clutch but she has a different fabric.
We have done lots of sketches and chosen one.  We will be making them soon! Ava and Sascha are making their camp disco dress I’m just going to buy one! 


Last term I have been making a bike with Mohamed and Joseph. We used cardboard wheels and a seat and handlebars. We used the hot glue gun. The hardest part was gluing the parts on the bike. The easy part was painting the  bike.
By Marcus

Last term me and my friend Michael had we wrote a fiction story about KFC MAN. It’s about a person named Sam, he ate KFC and in the morning he was strong as hulk and he named himself KFC MAN, He as a sidekick named popcorn chicken man it took us a lot of time write it and it was a lot of thinking too. If you are interested, please click on the link and you will be able to read our story. If you would like to see the pictures, you will have to visit the classroom and see our finished picture story book.

                                    Made by Joseph and Michael

Below are some student examples of Mathemtaical Problem Solving Tasks students have completed.

In order to solve a problem it is important to first come to terms with what the problem is about. Once you have gained an insight into the problem then you are able to plan for how to solve the problem. When the plan has been carried out it is important to look back over the problem to clarify that the soloution matches all the criteria within the question.

1.       Understand the problem
2.       Devise a plan
3.       Carry out the plan
4.       Look back and check

Marcus read the maths problem solving task to pick out the important words, we call this 'understanding the problem'.  He was able to come up with a succsessful soloution by modeling the problem using the statagy of drawing.

Jarrah also picked out the important words so that he understood the problem.  He was able to come up with a succsessful soloution by modeling the problem using the statagy of drawing.  Jarrah also looked back to ensure that his soloution matched what was asked of him within the problem.

Hamish & Viarne worked togther to solve a problem that required them to model the problem using concrete materials (they used Unifix cubes). This helped them to solve the problem but they then needed to record their solution. They decided to write the steps down. Once they had solved the problem they wrote a few reflctions on what the key factors were that helped them to come up with the soloution.

Payam and Caitlin also succsesfully solved the problem in a similar way to Hamish and Viarne. To record their answer they used a diagram. K stands for kids and A stands for adults.