Tuesday 17 May 2011

Master Chef!

Well, it has been agreat but someone had to win and that was Lilli's team and in second place was Harvey's team.  Congratulations to all the teams that cooked.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

New Reading Response! Due Friday, 13th May

This week we are continuing our exploration of books, authors and ideas.  If you have not yet completed your reading response task for last week, then you need to get a wriggle on...and if you aren't sure what you should be doing, please ask me (or Emma or Mary) for more information.  We want you to succeed and enjoy the process!

Your task this week is to choose a DIFFERENT type of response from your list on the reading log.  Here is the list;

.1. Draw a character and create an open- minded portrait. (include thoughts and feelings inside)
2.  Write a blurb
3.  Research the author
4.  Read a 2nd book by the same author and compare: similarities and differences.
5.  Find and prepare an interesting or significant paragraph to read to the class.
6.  Explain what the author was trying to tell you as a reader.
7.  Did you learn something from this book?  How could you share what you learnt?

It is really pleasing to see students trying to improve the level of detail, appearance and thoughtfulness in their work.  Harry, Hamish and Isaiah prepared and read a paragraph aloud to everyone, explaining why they chose their particular paragraph.  Isaiah's was particularly challenging and everyone clapped as he managed some tricky vocabulary smoothly. He had obviously practiced!  Eleanor went to a lot of trouble to create an open-minded portrait that is a collage of her character, and wrote a number of details about her character's thoughts and feelings as she progressed in the book.  Viarne, Will, Stefan, Ben, Marcus,  and Nick  all asked me to give them their work back, after they had handed it in, so that they could add more detail or completely re-do it. 
You're an inspiration 3/4EMJ and I'm looking forward to seeing how much more thoughtful and creative your responses will be this week!

Master Chef Grand Final!!

What a fantastic series!
Last Wednesday we saw the final showdown between the two groups who have stayed the distance, out-cooking all the other contestants over the past seven weeks.  Congratulations to ALL the participants; you absolutely amazed us with your cooking skills, your presentation and your planning. 
The final winners were Viarne, Lilli, Payam and Muna.
Runners up were Harvey, Joel, Hugo W, Seb T-C and Maxim.
A big thank you to all the parents who patiently supplied foodstuffs, equipment and time at school. I think the children owe you some special treats, now that they have proved what superb cooks they are!
Finally, a big thank you to Theo's very handy dad, Trevor, for creating two wonderful trophies!

Now, your turn.
What do you think you have learned from our Master Chef adventure?

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Reading Homework This Week

Get reading...or you wont be ready by Friday!
Yes, folks!  This Friday (May 6th) is the due date for your first book response!  You have had many weeks with 'Read for 20 minutes' in your Learning Agreement, and we expect that you are reading at home as well. 
 Now you need to look back over your Reading Log and select one book, or book chapter that you particularly liked or thought had some 'guts' to it. 
 Then you decided which of the 7 different activities listed on your Reading Log you would like to prepare to share. 
 I will be collecting your responses on Friday.  If you wish to read aloud to the grade, (which is one of the options) you should practice so that you are confident, clear and read with expression.  Remember, the point of all these responses is to encourage other people to try the book that you have enjoyed.
Next week we will organise a sharing time and display so that everyone can have an opportunity to learn about some great books!
Here is how we will rate them;
  1. Hmmm!Not very much effort: Only one or two sentences. Poor handwriting. Spelling mistakes.  No effort at presenting the work clearly.   Doesn't really show what you think about the book ( or the author if you choose that task).  You need to put in more detail.
  2. O.K.!!Clear handwriting with no spelling mistakes.  Care shown in how the information is displayed. Perhaps colour is used or it is printed. There may be illustrations.  At least four sentences which show you have thought about the book, the character, or the author (depending on the task you chose).
  3. WOW!!! Obvious preparation and time spent on your work.  More than 5 sentences which give detailed responses to the book, character or author.  If I read your blurb, then I really want to find that book and read it!  If I look at your character portrait, I really have an understanding of what your character thinks and feels as the story progresses.  If you learnt something, and write about it, then I understand exactly what you learnt! 
Remember, hand it in late, and you lose 1 mark.  Don't hand it in and it's 0! 
Looking forward to seeing what you can do!